The Brazilian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, "Travesti", Transgender, and Intersex Association, designated by the acronym ABGLT, whose name and purposes were approved on January 31, 1995, is a non-profit private legal entity with an indefinite duration.
The creation of ABGLT represents an important milestone in the history of the Brazilian LGBT movement, for it made possible the creation of a national network of representation with the capacity and legitimacy to take the demands of the movement to the Federal Government and to society as a whole, which until then had been impossible. In addition, it contributed to the organizing of grassroots organizations throughout the country, widening the movement's reach to all the states of the federation. The ABLGT is, without a doubt, largely responsible for the organizing of the LGBT movement in Brazil, and also for giving voice to a traditionally marginalized segment of society.
In the 1990s, with the movement's expertise in confronting the HIV/AIDS epidemic, we developed the SOMOS project, in partnership with the National Program. Beginning as a pilot project with 4 groups training others in organizational development and prevention, it reached 270 groups in 220 municipalities in all regions of the country, contributing greatly to the organization of the movement.
ABGLT actively participated in the construction of the Federal Government's "Brazil Without Homophobia Program," launched in 2004, and was active at the federal level, taking actions in the National Congress and in the Ministries. This work contributed to several advances with affirmative public policies for LGBT people, and we were among the civil society organizations that participated in the organization of the 1st National LGBT Conference in 2008. A historical landmark.

When it comes to education, an unfolding of the BSH Program was the approval of an amendment articulated ABGLT in 2007, which allowed the development of the School Without Homophobia Project, in partnership with several renowned organizations, as well as the Ministry of Education itself. We also participated in the creation and acted in the Ministry of Education's Working Group to discuss and implement actions to combat homophobia in schools. One of the effective actions was the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the school curriculum, as well as the prohibition of teaching materials that contain prejudice (of all kinds, not only to the LGBT) in all national territory. We also took part in the international mission to study the Spanish experiences in education and fighting LGBTphobia, in partnership with the OEI (Organization of Ibero-American States). Today ABGLT has a seat in the National Education Forum.
In 2009, we were granted consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations, being the first LGBT organization in the Americas to receive such status. This status guarantees civil society organizations participation in United Nations events, as well as the right to speak on their own behalf during the activities in which they participate. The effective participation of LGBT organizations has contributed decisively to the expansion of attention given by the UN to human rights violations and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity that occurs around the world. We participated in several meetings with the United Nations Human Rights Council; the World Health Organization; the Pan-American Health Organization; UNESCO; UNICEF, UNAIDS, etc., contributing to the elaboration of documents and consultations about the relationship of the LGBT population and the themes discussed by each agency (health, education, labor, human rights, among others). We also organize ourselves internationally in the movement through ILGA (International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association).

In 2010, we held the 1st National March against Homophobia, in Brasilia, gathering thousands of people from all over the country in the federal capital. With the support of CUT, MST, UNE and several other social movements, we held other national marches, always with a clear agenda of demands and effective gains for our community.
In the field of Culture we stimulate the recognition of the identities and culture of our community. Whether by supporting projects of Memory Centers and LGBT Culture Centers, or by building the 1st National LGBT Art and Culture Meeting, which took place in 2014, in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro (in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Niterói City Hall). We understand that the cultural identity of our community is something extremely important, because it is what gives our community a sense of unity, and therefore needs to be preserved and valued.
ABGLT continues with its role of national representation and organization of the movement. At its foundation, in 1995, there were less than 40 LGBT groups in all of Brazil. Today there are more than 300. There were no mass visibility actions like the LGBT Pride Parades, compared to today, where there are more than 250 Parades and more than 500 annual visibility actions. We have public policies for LGBT people in several spheres of government and rights recognized and guaranteed by the courts.
Today ABGLT is a consolidated network with more than 300 LGBT and similar entities affiliated in all states of the country: an NGO the size of Brazil!